Saturday, 28 March 2009

Out Of Time...

While doing a bit of servicing (cambelt change), me and my mechanic friend decided to investigate a small issue that was bothering me.

When accelerating below 3,000rpm, it would feel sluggish and the suddenly pickup after 3,000rpm.

I have already serviced the car with new ignition leads, spark plugs etc and the problem was still apparent. I also had a new dizzy cap and rotor arm to go on, but decided not to install those new parts..more on this in a moment.

So anyway, we decided to check the timing and it seems that it was slightly advanced. Not sure if the previous owner did this on purpose or not, as with the advanced timing there should be some gains top end, but less torque down below. So, could this be the reason why it feels sluggish below 3,000rpm?

Well, we adjusted the timing to stock. Not sure how if it has had an effect because your head sometimes tells you changes have made a difference because you want the to LOL. So I'll report on it later.

Moving on..the reason I decided to save the rotor arm and new dizzy cap is because within a couple of months I should be dropping in a B18CR from a 98 spec Integra. So I am going to utilize any service parts I have no the new block.

More soon.

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