Monday, 11 May 2009

Mugen Twin Loop Arrival

When I came home on Friday afternoon, I was greeted by a very large box in the living with my name on it. It could only of been my Mugen Twin Loop exhaust system.

I opened the package today and inspected the exhaust to ensure there was no major rust and/or damage. Thankfully, everything seems to be in order.

I gave the system the once over with some Autosol to bring back some of the shine. Nothing to shout home about and it will end up getting dirty again when on the car anyway.

A close up of the JASMA stamps.

Very small dint and scrape on the backbox. Nothing to worry about though, will not disrupt the air flow at all.

The EK9 this came off was probably lowered, scrapes like this are common and to be expected.

So, the exhaust will be going up into the attic until I raise the car AGAIN. It is still too low and the exhaust is rubbing on some speed bumps, so I will not being fitting the Mugen until this has been done.

Bye for now, more soon.

1 comment:

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